Become a member

Sustainable Winegrowing Australia is a community of like-minded grapegrowers and winemakers who want to produce exceptional wines that make a positive difference for people and the planet.

They care about protecting Australia’s distinctive land to secure a thriving future for our Australian wine community, through excellence in sustainability practices today.

Becoming a member is easy.

The national program provides a simple online reporting framework, practical tools and access to benchmarking data. Fees are structured based on the vineyard hectare area per site, and kilolitre winery or wine business volume.

The program fosters stronger relationships between growers and wineries. It also provides authority and confidence to customers, who receive reliable accredited produce to address growing global consumer demand. It provides a clear pathway to becoming a Certified Member, with the full support of the Australian Wine Research Institute along the way.


Membership types

Membership is available to all Australian wine grapegrowers and wine producers. Vineyards, wineries and wine businesses must hold separate memberships because the data provided by each part of the business is different.

Vineyard membership

Vineyard membership may be held by any Australian wine-grape vineyard. Multiple vineyard blocks/sites may be covered under a single membership, if the sites are owned by a single business entity, operate under a single management system and if they are in the same GI region.

Separate memberships are required for vineyard blocks/sites which are owned by different businesses or are managed differently (e.g. organic versus conventional) or, are in different GI regions.

Winery membership

Winery membership may be held by any Australian winery site.

Wine Business membership

Wine Business membership type definition, as per program terms: A wine business is one that produces wine, but which does not own any physical winery assets.


Hypothetical examples of these membership scenarios can be seen here.

For a full list of members, visit the online members’ register

Receive a short email series packed with tips for how you can benefit from becoming more sustainable, and prepare yourself for membership.

Get prepared

Prepare your self-assessment workbook through our simple online platform, benchmark your business against your peers and prepare for certification. Membership covers the financial year 1 July to 30 June.

Register now

Members can choose to be independently certified by auditing with the Australian Wine Industry Standards of Sustainable Practice. This gives you access to the trust mark and a host of other benefits.

The process